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From IHRSA: Jumpstart Your Non-Dues Revenue with HydroMassage

For any fitness clubs that want more revenue, you should read this IHRSA blog post.

It walks you though how you should approach your ancillary revenue streams, citing lessons learned from fitness industry veterans Kevin McHugh of The Atlantic Club  and Merritt Clubs COO Mark Miller.

One specific point they make is that you should think about wellness solutions, noting: “Perhaps the best category for non-dues revenue growth is the wellness market. People are increasingly gravitating to recuperative therapies and calming techniques that fall under the “mindfulness” philosophy of self-care. “

They also explain the background on water massage beds and how they help both increase your revenue and address the member need for wellness.

“Using warm-water massage to promote recovery and relaxation, HydroMassage machines are reliable crowd-pleasers that fit into the wellness theme.

Stress relief is in high demand, and HydroMassage treatments fit the bill for club members of all ages. That’s not the case with other non-dues offerings like functional fitness services and food-delivery partnerships. Almost everybody loves a massage, whether they have aches and pains or just need to chill after a tough commute.”

To read the entire IHRSA post on non-dues revenue and how fitness clubs can use HydroMassage water massage Beds and Lounges, click here:

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