Water Massage: The Perfect Complement to Chiropractic Care

Water massage is a type of therapy that includes stretching and pressure on muscle groups through the use of pressurized water. 

This type of therapy can complement chiropractic care well because it can help add additional dimensions to healing and recovery, both physical and emotional. It can offer many benefits including:

  • Temporary relief of minor aches and pains
  • Reduced levels of stress and anxiety
  • Deep relaxation that provides a feeling of well-being
  • Increased circulation in local areas where massaged
  • Relief for muscle soreness, stiffness and tension

Water massage can also be a great alternative to traditional massage, providing an experience that’s free of any oils, lotion or physical contact with a massage therapist. 

At a time when COVID-19 has halted many operations in the wellness industry, water massage offers a convenient, touch-free way to experience the benefits of massage without putting health or safety risks at stake. 

What Is Water Massage?

Water massage is a type of massage therapy that uses the buoyancy of water to reduce weight-bearing stress on bones, joints and muscles — offering a relaxing, soothing massage experience. 

Water massage has been scientifically proven as one of the oldest forms of natural treatment used to alleviate exercise and injury-related pain. It can be safely used on patients of nearly any age, which makes it an excellent option for most children, adults and seniors to enjoy.

Combining Water Massage With Chiropractic Care

Water massage, and specifically HydroMassage, has been trusted by chiropractors and medical offices for more than 30 years. 

When coupled together, these two therapies can work together to effectively address sources of pain and stress, extending the wellness benefits of each chiropractic treatment. 

By adding HydroMassage to your services, patients can feel comfortable receiving therapy that complements their chiropractic treatment without the stress of extended close contact with a massage therapist. It’s one of the easiest, most convenient and most accessible ways to provide patients with the benefits of water massage without having to bring on additional staff.

Benefits of Water Massage

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Finding ways to release stress and tension can be tough, especially with the pandemic’s social distancing requirements. However, water massage can be a great way to offer care that extends beyond traditional chiropractic services. Some benefits of water massage include: 

1. Temporary Pain Relief of Minor Aches and Pains

Water massage can help with temporary minor pain and minor ache relief. Some chiropractors use HydroMassage as a tool to loosen patients’ muscles prior to doing any adjustments, making it easier and more comfortable for every session. The added element of heat helps to warm the body and can help improve the results for patients.

2. Muscle Soreness, Tension and Stiffness Relief

For members who exercise a lot, water massage can decrease muscle soreness and stiffness. Water massage after an intense training session can relieve knots and tightness in the muscles. 

3. Improves Circulation in Local Areas

Warm water can help improve circulation where massaged.

4. Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Stress makes the body retain a lot of tension and inflammation. Water massage can help patients experience deep relaxation, helping to reduce the effects of stress and anxiety.

How Adding a HydroMassage Lounge to Your Chiropractic or Wellness Services Can Benefit You

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2020 was a challenging year for businesses that relied on in-person interactions with clients. Even in 2021, there are many that struggle with visits that involve close-range interactions, even if they are for medical purposes. 

By offering water massage services like a HydroMassage Lounge, you can offer patients more while still adding to your chiropractic office’s bottom line. Here’s how adding water massage can benefit you:

More Visits

As a result of the pandemic, there’s been a surge of individuals who’ve identified the importance of incorporating both physical and mental wellness into their daily routine. HydroMassage offers a solution that helps serve both of those areas while ensuring safety through social distance.
Many chiropractic offices have already seen significant benefits of incorporating HydroMassage into their service offerings.

“I use the bed for loosening up muscles prior to adjusting my patients.

“I use the bed for loosening up muscles prior to adjusting my patients. I find that this helps my patients to have a more comfortable experience and it makes it easier for me to adjust them. Financially speaking, my revenue has increased substantially with HydroMassage.”

— Zia Khorrami, Doctor of Chiropractic

Higher Retention Rates

Through reliable wellness services that go beyond traditional chiropractic care, such as water massage services like HydroMassage, patients can start to establish added trust in your chiropractic office. 

With higher trust and loyalty comes improved retention rates. Having a favorable retention rate can help reduce your marketing costs, improve profits and help your business gain positive feedback through testimonials and referrals.

Boosted Revenue

When patient trust grows and word spreads that HydroMassage is a relaxing, complementary service offered at your practice, revenue is bound to flourish. 

Adding a HydroMassage Lounge can be a huge benefit to existing patients and may even entice them to leave positive reviews on your Google listing, which can help grow your business even more. Through an improved income stream, you can choose to expand your business to other areas or reinvest in other, more efficient equipment you may need.

“It probably generates anywhere from five to seven referrals a month just from word of mouth.

I have people who probably would never set foot in a chiropractic office; once they go on the HydroMassage a couple of times, they end up becoming a chiropractic patient.”

— Damian Scelfo, Doctor of Chiropractic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who can benefit from using a HydroMassage Lounge?

Nearly any type of patient can enjoy a water massage session. However, pregnant clients and members with conditions such as high blood pressure and irregular heartbeats should consult a physician before experiencing a HydroMassage session. 

Is water massage different from hand massage? 

Water massage and traditional massage offer many similar benefits but are very different in form. Traditional massage uses skin-to-skin contact of a massage therapist’s hands on the body of the patient to manipulate muscles and tendons for tension relief and relaxation. 

On the other hand, water massage offers the benefits of traditional massage without physical contact with another person, using water to apply pressure to various spots on the body to address pain points. Water massage is different from hydrotherapy in that it does not involve submerging in water or getting the patient wet in any capacity to experience its benefits. 

What conditions can water massage help with?

Water massage has helped many patients with temporary pain relief caused by:

  • Low back pain
  • Tension due to high stress or anxiety
  • Poor circulation in the body
  • Sports injuries
  • And more

Where can I find HydroMassage equipment to purchase? 

You can find HydroMassage Lounges from a certified dealer near you. Quotes might vary depending on your preferred model.

Get Started With HydroMassage

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Water massage is an alternative form of traditional massage therapy that can be an excellent addition to your chiropractic services.

Find out more about how HydroMassage can benefit your chiropractic office today or get a free quote online to get started finding a model that’s right for your business’s needs. 

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